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Eye Tracking

It is time to move away from “me too”. It is time to embrace a whole new philosophy, a whole new approach and a whole new way of doing things. Driven by innovation and fueled by passion. At Cyclops Medtech, it has always been our quest to build products which breaks away from status quo and takes away the best of what new age science and technology has to offer. We do not simply copy the status-quo, we question it. This results in world class products which are accurate, affordable, and reliable.


Our solutions are designed keeping in mind you and your patients. Most of our solutions can deliver remarkably high diagnostic and therapeutic impact without consuming great amount of infrastructure and resources. They are mostly portable, nimble, non-invasive, and power packed, helping out achieve great outcomes right from the confines of your OPD or clinic.


In addition to core technologies like image processing, computer vision and AI/ML, we work on 3 frontier technology areas:


Eye Tracking:

Eye movements play an incredibly significant role in a person's vestibular system. The direction of eye
movement is same as the direction of inner ear fluids movement. Studying of eye movements presents a golden
opportunity to diagnose the root cause of multiple neuro-vestibular conditions. At Cyclops Medtech, we set out
by building a very robust and accurate eye tracking technology stack comprising of both custom designed hardware as well as proprietary software modules. On top of this technology stack we have built multiple products in the areas of Neurotology. 


Virtual Reality:

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a proven method of treatment for many vestibular conditions. Traditionally VRT involved use of large equipment requiring large spaces. Also, VRT exercises are perceived to be difficult to perform, boring, lacks challenges and adaptive training content, is dependent on patient's active efforts and interest and lacks tools to measure and analyse results and track progress.


We use virtual reality technology to simulate most of the conventional VRT modules in an interactive, immersive and fun filled manner. Virtual reality technology can provide a wide range of sensory stimuli to generate conflicts of varying degrees of complexity in a safe environment. The results of VR based vestibular rehabilitation can be accurately measured and progress can be monitored.


Smart Sensors:

Vestibular and balance rehabilitation often involves repetitive movement of various body parts in order to strengthen proprioception which inurn improves balance. Today, thanks to an array of smart sensors, we are building products which can accurately track the therapy progress of various body parts. These sensors also ensures that the entire rehabilitation process is interactive and engaging, thereby resulting in improved outcomes.


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